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Dongfeng Motor Corporation Ltd. is a Chinese state-owned automobile manufacturer headquartered in Wuhan, Hubei. Основана в 1969, it is currently the third largest of the “Big Four” state-owned car manufacturers of China, namely: SAIC Motor, FAW Group, Dongfeng Motor Corporation, and Changan Automobile, with car sales of 5.37 миллион, 3.50 миллион, 3.28 million and 2.30 million in 2021 respectively.

The company develops and markets vehicles under its own branding, such as Venucia, Fengdu, Войя, Aeolus, Forthing, as well as under foreign-branded joint ventures such as Dongfeng-Honda, Dongfeng-Nissan and Dongfeng-Peugeot Citroën (all via subsidiary Dongfeng Motor Group). In 2021, foreign-branded cars took 79% of sales. It also produces electric vehicles under some of the previously listed brandings, including dedicated EV brands such as Voyah.